Our Mold services can cover absolutely any sort of emergency service you will need. (mold, water, fire or prevention)
issue that can possibly occur, either within your home or a commercial location!


What is mold inspection? A mold inspection entails a comprehensive visual and lab examination of a home or building's environmental condition conducted to determine if a home has mold or has the potential to grow mold in the future.


Why Remediation? The purpose of mold remediation is to remove the mold to prevent human exposure and damage to building materials and furnishings. It is necessary to clean up mold contamination, not just to kill the mold.


A key to prevention of mold is to eliminate or limit the conditions that foster microbial growth by limiting water intrusion and the nutrients that allow mold to grow. The two basic approaches are to keep moisture-sensitive materials dry and to use materials that are not easily biodegradable or which offer a poor substrate for mold growth.


We know how expensive recovering from water damage can be (lost furniture, drywall, clothing, and more...), this is why we work as fast as possible to insure that not only all water is removed from your home, but also to prevent damage to your belongings that still can be saved. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can start working, and the more valuables we might be able to salvage by extracting the water before it gets to them. In many cases, our state-of-the-art water removal equipment is capable of saving carpet and rugs before mold and other microbial growth can develop.


Losing your property to a fire is a devastating catastrophe. It is not only a major damage to your structure but it is also an emotional rollercoaster. Even minor damages caused by a fire are difficult to deal with. Regardless of the size of the damage, it is important to have your property evaluated in order to determine whether any possessions or pieces of the structure are salvageable.


A leak no matter how small can add up to a big problem. Beyond the problem of wasted water that runs up your water bill it can also cause mold to grow in your home. Mold can be harmful to you and your family and pets. This is why it is key to find the leak before the major damage is done.